The first asphalt plant of the T-BOX series sold to the foreign market is already on board the ship bound for Australia. As its main differential, the agility and simplicity of transportation are already being proven in its first international operation, through fast and easy logistics. MARINI Latin America’s new generation of plants, structured in standard containers, offers the best and most innovative solution to produce asphalt mixture, breaking down barriers, facilitating transportation, reducing bureaucracy and providing an incomparable economy.

CARBON T-BOX 160 in preparation for boarding at the Port of Rio Grande, in Brazil
Due to their modularization, the T-BOX series plants provide an exceptional mobility, facilitating the asphalt production process, from its delivery to the customer, to the commissioning and transportation between the operation sites. In addition, all the technological support offered by the exclusive set of EASY systems ensures the delivery of an asphalt mixture of the highest quality, guaranteeing the best investment.