On January 24th, BOMAG MARINI Latin America was highlighted in its presentation at the 2°BEC – Battalion of Engineering and Construction in Teresina, Piauí. The presentation took place in partnership with the company Lokcenter, BMLA dealer in the region, and counted on the participation of engineers, technicians and mechanics of the 2nd Battalion.

In the picture, from right to left: Edson Bezerra (BOMAG MARINI Latin America) and Captain Sérgio (2nd Battalion of Engineering and Construction).
With the theme Paving Cycle, BOMAG MARINI Latin America participated through a lecture given by the Mining Engineer, Edson Bezerra, Sales Area Manager of BOMAG MARINI Latin America in the State. Available technologies and trends for soil compaction and preparation, production and application of asphalt mixtures and road repair were presented, also bringing differentials for each application of BOMAG MARINI Latin America equipment, which offer a complete range for all stages of the construction and road repair cycle.