VDA 700 MAX paves BR 080 road in Goiás

The BOMAG MARINI Latin America’s new VDA 700 MAX asphalt paver was the machine chosen by the construction company Caiapó to perform the resurfacing of 150 km of BR 080, between Padre Bernardo and Uruaçu-GO. The company is paving 6 cm layers of CBUQ and applying an average of 110 tons of mass daily.

As this region has periods of drought and rain well defined, the works take place between March and November at highest intensity. The VDA paver’s line, manufactured by BOMAG MARINI, already has a great tradition in the Brazilian market and now the VDA 700 MAX adds even more reliability and durability. In addition to a brand new design, the model features new control systems, high strength steel wear parts, and much more. All to reinforce the focus on ensuring the lowest operation and maintenance costs, characteristics that are always present in all BOMAG MARINI products.