AUTOMAQ S.A.E.C.A., BOMAG MARINI representative in Paraguay, promoted an international seminar in May ministered by specialists from MARINI Latin America, BOMAG, KOMATSU and MICHELIN, who spoke about each innovation of the brand of their teams in the field of construction. Through the engineer Hans Kloubert (Germany), the company Bomag Fayat Group, spoke about milling and recycling of pavements, compaction and stabilization of soils. MARINI Latin America engineer Jonatas Vieceli (Brazil) gave a presentation of asphalt mills of different production capacities, as well as the advantages of Magnum MAX mills, which in their standard model can process up to 30% of recycled material, a trend throughout Latin America.

Seminar in Paraguay
The event also included names such as José Luis Izzo (Argentina), tire technical manager of Michelin and Francisco Espinoza (Chile), territory manager of Komatsu, as well as PhD engineer Alelí Osorio, who made a presentation on the need to have an actualized road network and to conduct periodic audit inventories. The president of Automaq SAECA, Jorge Pecci thanked those present for participating in the seminar and called on companies to implement new technologies in the area of construction. Luis Ferreira, from the sales division of Automaq, said that demonstrations of machines will be carried out with the presence of foreign professionals.