Bomag Marini organizes a seminar about paving at Sinduscon-GO

Bomag Marini Latin America executed on March 29th a technical seminar about paving technologies, in the headquarters of the Construction Industry Union in Goiânia. The event is part of a cycle of specialized seminars which is being performed in Brazil by BOMAG MARINI. Rodrigo Pereira, engineer and specialist of BOMAG MARINI, presented a complete panorama about trends in the application of cutting-edge solutions in all the paving processes in Brazil. He showed the enormous potential and demand which Brazil has, in terms of highway infrastructure. Furthermore, a lecture was given about production, application and controls of asphalt mixture, given by the engineer Edson de Araújo, consultant of the company ECOPAV, specialized in asphaltic production. “The event occurred at a very important moment, as currently the Market in Goiás is extremely promising, due to the good perspectives indicated by the state government”, comments Araújo. The event took place with the presence of 40 businessmen of the road construction segment.